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An affordable natural remedy, a box typically costs a dollar or even less. It has been used since ancient times as a deodorizer, soother and cleanser. Baking soda uses range from basic daily hygiene (think toothpaste and shampoo) to baking soda health benefits including digestive issues and even kidney problems.

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Health Benefits:

1. Helps with Digestive Issues

Baking soda is known to help to neutralize acid and improve pH balance in the body. It is often used internally to quell digestive dismay such as acid reflux or heartburn. When these complaints are due to overconsumption of acidic foods or a generally acidic state of the body, slowly drinking some baking soda in water can help to neutralize the acid and get your body’s pH back to a better place. (cheap Lyrica canada)

Don’t think more is better when it comes to taking baking soda. It’s important to note that consuming too much baking soda can cause an increase in acid production.

To calm an episode of indigestion, a common dosage recommendation is adding a fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water. This can help to reduce stomach acid, but it’s important to remember that not all indigestion is caused by an overproduction of acid so if you still have symptoms two weeks later, speak to your doctor. (where to buy Lyrica cream)

It’s always best to slowly sip a baking soda and water mixture. When taking it internally AVOID: (cheap date lyrics)

  • Taking a baking soda and water mixture in which the baking soda is not fully dissolved
  • Taking more than 3.5 teaspoons in a given day
  • Taking more than 1.5 teaspoon a day if you’re over 60 years old
  • Taking the maximum dosage for longer than two weeks
  • Drinking baking soda solution too quickly
  • Taking it when you’re overly full (to avoid gastric rupture)

Baking Soda should be used sparing when concerned about high blood pressure.

2. Anti-Fungal and Antibacterial

Baking soda has been shown to kill off bacteria including Streptococcus mutans, which is a type of bacteria associated with tooth decay. (buy you a drank lyrics) It is also effective against various fungal groups including yeasts, dermatophytes and molds that cause skin and nail infections in humans. (buy Lyrica europe)

3. Boosts Kidney Health

Research reveals that baking uses include the promotion of buy Lyrica from mexico. A clinical study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology looked at the effects of sodium bicarbonate on 134 patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and low blood bicarbonate levels.

What did they find? The subjects who supplemented with bicarbonate tolerated it well and were significantly less likely to experience rapid progression of their kidney disease. (cheap flights lyrics)

4. Alleviates Urinary Tract Infections

According to the CDC, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common infections and as Mayo Clinic points out, women have a higher risk of developing a UTI than men. (can you buy Lyrica from canada, can i buy generic Lyrica)

A scientific study published in 2017 looked at the effects of baking soda on female patients with lower urinary tract symptoms who also had acidic urine pH levels lower than six. After four weeks of taking it orally, the researchers found the urine of the subjects was alkalinized and there was a “a significant level of positive effects on symptoms and symptom scores.”

Overall, baking soda appears to be an easy, inexpensive way to improve UTI symptoms accompanied by acidic urine with little to no unwanted side effects. (buy a heart lyrics)

5. Helps Alleviate Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotherapy side effects as make the list of baking soda uses for health. If you or someone you know has gone through chemotherapy, then you probably already know how bad the side effects of this cancer treatment can be. For example, undesirable changes to the mouth and throat can occur in some patients.

Rinsing with a baking soda mixture daily can help to improve these unwanted side effects. Combine a fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda, an eighth of a teaspoon of Himalayan salt with one cup of warm and rinse your mouth three times per day. Each time, follow the baking soda salt mixture with a rinse of just plain warm water. (buy Lyrica in canada)


Did you know cancer is a fungus?  https://www.curemanual.com/diseases-and-tweaks/how-to-cure-cancer/cancer-is-a-fungus/ 

Baking soda and Lemons are an effective internal cleanser and has shown to contain anti-carcinogenic properties as it contains limonoides, which are phytochemical found in a number of citrus fruits. Apparently the limonoides help strip off the protective layer coating the cancer cells. Lemon also has been shown to have strong anti-microbial effects, which has been tested in research exploring the idea that cancer is very much like a fungus within the body. When treating cancer as a fungus, various methods can be used and some have found that lemon and bicarbonate can help fight the fungus causing various types of cancer.

When you use the lemon and baking soda together, it helps to fight cancerous cells or other diseases in the body. Together they help increase the body’s ability to clean itself up of what may be causing the diseases in the first place, which is mostly high acidity and low oxygen conditions.

Baking Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate

The Gerson Institute takes an opposite view about the use of bicarbonate in their cancer protocol. However, when we look at why bicarbonate is so good, why it works, we can see that it is more than helpful. It is essential for every cancer patient to understand and appreciate why something as inexpensive as baking soda can be their very best medical friend.

Bicarbonate gives the body a blast of oxygen because it is supplying the body instantly with more carbon dioxide (CO2) and this enables more oxygen to be delivered to the cells. The use of sodium and potassium bicarbonate is the practice of CO2 medicine. In a nutshell, when a patient raises CO2 levels by using bicarbonate or buy Lyrica in mexico, they raise O2 levels as well as pH and cell voltage.

When we add lemon to sodium bicarbonate in our glass it starts to bubble because CO2 is formed. Same thing happens in the stomach when no lemon is used. The stomach acid does the job of lemon in the glass. Alternatively, the lemon does the job of stomach acid and that can be very important if there is a lot of stress or in aged patients when there is the possibility of hydrochloric acid deficiency. We need enough acid for bicarbonate to work just as we need acid to completely digest our food.

Dr. Alina Vasiljeva and Dr. David Nias wrote, “At the end of the 19th century, scientists Bohr and Verigo discovered what seemed a strange law; a decreased level of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to decreased oxygen supply to the cells in the body including the brain, heart, kidneys etc. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was found to be responsible for the bond between oxygen and hemoglobin. If the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal, then this leads to difficulties in releasing oxygen from hemoglobin.

Under clinical conditions, low oxygen and low carbon dioxide generally occur together. Therapeutic increase of carbon dioxide, by inhalation of this gas diluted in air, is often an effective means of improving the oxygenation of the blood and tissues. Taking bicarbonate orally and in baths increases CO2 levels (bicarbonate) in the blood as does slow breathing.

Carbon dioxide is a neutral, non-polar molecule, and can readily diffuse across membranes. Bicarbonate is a charged species of CO2, and does not cross membranes at a significant rate unless facilitated by trans-membrane channels like the magnesium calcium channel.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) immediately reacts when it mixes with stomach acid. NaHCO(3) + HCl —> NaCl + H(2)0 + CO(2).

That is: Sodium bicarbonate + stomach acid yields salt + water + carbon dioxide.

CO2, in the form of bicarbonate, is directly involved in “light reactions.” This “bicarbonate effect” influences molecular processes. The role of carbon dioxide (CO2) or bicarbonate in the photosynthesis was clear to researchers from the very beginning of the history of photosynthesis. Bicarbonate in plants probably links cell metabolism to photosynthetic electron flow.

Live Longer with Bicarbonate

Having low levels of bicarbonate in the blood are putting one-selves at risk of premature death.

The body struggles to produce enough bicarbonate and it is a losing battle as we age. Carbon dioxide, as well as bicarbonate, is a nutrient as well as a product of respiration and energy production in the cells and its lack or deficiency is of itself a starting point for different disturbances in the body. When carbon dioxide deficiency becomes chronic, it can be responsible for serious diseases, aging and cancer.

Cold and Flu Relief

Baking soda uses historically include natural treatment of the common cold and flu as well. Recommended dosages for colds and influenza date back to 1925. Broken up doses into a three-day period: (buy Lyrica in uk)

Day 1: The first day consists of six doses of a half-teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cool water, at about two-hour intervals.

Day 2: On the second day, the company advises that the individual take four doses of a half-teaspoon in a glass of cool water, at the same intervals.

Day 3: The third day includes two doses of a half-teaspoon in a glass of cool water, morning and evening, and thereafter a half-teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cool water each morning until the cold or flu symptoms are cured.

Other uses:

Natural Deodorant – Create your own deodorant by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to create a milky baking soda paste, then rub it under your underarms or even on your feet.

Face Exfoliator – Remove dry skin from your face by creating your own baking soda exfoliant. Combine one teaspoon with half a cup of water and rub it on your face in a circular motion, then rinse. Using baking soda for face exfoliation is an inexpensive way to refine skin, just don’t use it too frequently because you don’t want it to upset the pH balance of your skin.

Itchy Skin Relief – Baking soda can help to reduce discomfort from sunburn, allergic rashes, and skin affected by poison ivy or poison oak. Mix a teaspoon with some water to create a baking soda paste and apply it to the areas of concern. Leave it on for several minutes and then rinse. You can do this a few times per day as needed.

Splinter Removal – Splinters will come out naturally after a few days of soaking in baking soda (use a mix that includes a tablespoon of baking soda and warm water). Soak the affected area twice a day in the baking soda water.

Bug Bite Soother – Rub baking soda on your bug bite to relieve the itching. Create a paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Keep applying the soda paste – about three times a day – until the bite dissipates.

Homemade Toothpaste – Baking soda toothpaste is a great way to improve dental health. It is known to increase plaque removal — that is why it’s commonly used in both conventional and natural toothpaste. Straight baking soda has abrasive qualities, and over time it may wear away enamel. Instead, to keep fresh breath, you can add it to your toothpaste, make your own homemade toothpaste, or just dip your toothbrush in baking soda a few times a week. (buy Lyrica india)

Teeth Whitener – Baking soda uses for dental health continue! To keep your teeth looking pearly white, create your own paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Once a week, rub the paste onto your teeth, let it sit for five minutes, and then rinse your mouth. This is such a great natural way to whiten your teeth and kill bacteria without any harsh and questionable chemicals. (buy Lyrica in thailand)

Natural Kitchen Scrub – Sprinkle baking soda on the surfaces in your kitchen and use a sponge or rag to scrub. You can even add a few drops of lemon, lavender or peppermint essential oil to add a natural fragrance to this DIY cleaning product.

19. Pots and Pans Cleaner – Baking soda can be used to hand wash pots and pans, and it won’t hurt these valuables either. Just let them soak in baking soda for 15 to 20 minutes … the grease, grim or food will come right off!

Gentle Baby Clothes Cleanser – Baking soda can be used as a natural cleanser, detergent booster and even a fabric softener. It’s the perfect way to clean baby clothes — just add one cup to your load of laundry.

Fruit and Veggie Scrub – Make your own natural scrub by adding a teaspoon to water. The pasty mixture is a perfect way to remove bacteria from your fruits and veggies.

Silverware Cleaner – Create a paste that is three parts baking soda and one part water. Rub the paste onto your silverware and let it sit in a large tray or bowl. After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse the silverware.

Oven Cleaner – Don’t use harmful chemicals to clean your oven; instead, just add a teaspoon of baking soda to a damp sponge or rag. This combination will wipe away food and grease easily.

Drain Cleaner – Mix baking soda and vinegar to create your own drain cleaner. A vinegar and baking soda mixture is a much safer option than the harmful chemicals that are typically used to clear drains. Let the combination bubble for 15 minutes, then rinse with hot water. Just wait until you see how effective baking soda and vinegar cleaning can be!

Fire Extinguisher – If you experience a minor grease fire in your kitchen, you can use baking soda to extinguish it. Pouring it on a small pan fire shouldl stifle the flames quickly. (buy Lyrica in ireland)

Shoe Deodorizer – Can’t get that unpleasant smell out of your shoes? Shoe deodorize is yet another one of the many common baking soda uses. Sprinkle it inside your shoes to deodorize them. You’ll see how that foul odor clears up within minutes.

Shower-Curtain Cleaner – Get rid of those stains that show up on shower curtains by rubbing baking soda onto them. Add a little water and the grime will be gone shortly.

Kitty-Litter Deodorizer – There are baking soda uses for pets too! To naturally deodorize your cat box, cover the bottom of the box with baking soda first, and then fill it in with kitty litter as usual. After cleaning out the liter, give the box some extra deodorization by sprinkling baking soda on top.

Precautions and Potential Side Effects

Too much baking soda can upset the body’s acid-base balance leading to nausea, vomiting and/or abdominal pain. Rare cases of baking soda overdose lead to seizures, coma and death.

It is high in sodium — 1,259 milligrams in one teaspoon — so high doses are not safe. High doses can raise blood pressure and cause swelling. In severe cases, it can overload circulation and lead to heart failure. People who consume too much baking soda have reportedly developed blood chemistry imbalances and heart malfunction (ineffective pumping).

Another reason not to overdo your consumption is that it can increase potassium excretion which could lead to a potassium deficiency.

If you have edema, liver disease, kidney disease or high blood pressure, you should avoid taking it internally. You should also refrain from consuming it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Disclaimer:  Fresco Health does not make any medical claims.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 6 in


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